Build your Web 3.0 App in Days. Not Months.

The DropChain API seamlessly integrates with your traditional Web 2.0 application to enhance it with all the Web 3.0 functionality you'll ever need.

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Trusted by Companies Building the Future of the Blockchain Industry
Focus on what you know

Building web 3.0 products is hard. Focus on building a great app. Let the API do the heavy lifting.

Build anywhere

Use the API to add web3 functionality to your fully programmed app or enhance your no-code app.

Brick by Brick

Access pre-made smart contracts through the DropChain API. Build entire blockchain apps like LEGO bricks.

Chain Agnostic

The DropChain API supports all major blockchains. Build and grow your community anywhere.

Start Building in Minutes

The DropChain API seamlessly integrates into Bubble, a no-code app built in Bubble.

You're one step closer to building something amazing!
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Start building your own

A robust and growing library of audited smart contracts

Access the library of audited smart contracts via POST requests and JSON payloads to enhance your app with web3 functionality.

Start Building
  • asset_mint

    Allow users to create NFTs and other assets from your app.

  • get_address_from_uid

    Fetch the wallet address associated with the users unique ID.

  • atomic_swap

    Allow users to swap assets from within your app. (Example: ALGO to FAME)

  • delete_asset

    When they're done using an asset, your users can delete it with this endpoint.

  • asset_optin

    Let users access new tokens and NFTs directly within your platform.

  • redeem_session_token

    Enable mass adoption with web 2.0 credential sign-on using the DropChain Single Sign-On.

  • send_asset

    Enable users to send NFTs and tokens directly to other users of your game, or platform.

  • asset_get_note_from_txid

    Fetch the note associated with transactions

  • freeze_asset

    Let users securely store assets in their wallet that cannot be moved. Also called "soul bound" by pausing transactions for that token or ASA.

Supported Blockchains

DropChain is chain agnostic. The API and Single Sign on support the top 10 most popular blockchains and dozens more.


DropChain's first supported L1
4 second transactionfinality
100% uptime
+29 million wallets


First Layer-1 Blockchain
Most popular Layer-1 blockchain
Supports +4,000 apps
+200 million wallets


ETH sidechain compatible with EVM
335% growth in dev teams YTD
804% growth in dev teams Y/Y
53,000 dApps on Polygon


Layer 2 scaling solution for ETH
>1000% growth in dev teams Y/Y
460% growth in API consumption YTD
+100 dApps on Optimism


Ethereum layer two scaling solution
516% growth in dev teams YTD
795% growth in dev teams Y/Y
+100 dApps supported on Arbitrum


Layer 1 smart contract dev platform
>1000% growth in dev teams YTD
>1000% growth in dev teams YTD
9 million Solana wallets

DropChain in Action

Gaming Studio

Super is a gaming studio that specializes in play-to-earn games on the Algorand blockchain. With DropChain, the team saved countless hours to integrate transactions.

Super Algo

Read More
Video Sharing

NiftGen is a video sharing platform that allows creators to better monetize their content. The SSO will soon open the platform to the masses.

Read More
Photo Sharing Demo

DropPhoto was created using the no-code app builder Bubble. With the API and SSO, you can create an entire no-code web3 app.

No-Code IG Clone
View Demo

Choose your DropChain plan

Pay by the month or year, and cancel at any time. All paid tiers have a 7 day free trial.



300 API Calls / Month
DropChain API Testnet Access
Sell NFTs on the Marketplace
DropChain Single Sign-On Access
Smart Contract Library Early Access
24/7 Support
Joint Marketing Support

$0 / Month

No Credit Card Required


200,000 API Calls / Month
DropChain API Tesnet & Mainnet Access
Sell NFTs on the Marketplace
DropChain Single Sign-On Access
Smart Contract Library Early Access
24/7 Support
Joint Marketing Support

$99 / Month



300 API Calls / Month
DropChain API Testnet Access
Sell NFTs on the Marketplace
DropChain Single Sign-On Access
Smart Contract Library Early Access
24/7 Support
Joint Marketing Support

$0 / Month

No Credit Card Required


200,000 API Calls / Month
DropChain API Tesnet & Mainnet Access
Sell NFTs on the Marketplace
DropChain Single Sign-On Access
Smart Contract Library Early Access
24/7 Support
Joint Marketing Support

$83 / Month

Launch a Web3 App for $1

Upgrade and enjoy your first month for just $1.


NFT Minting: One
NFT Claim Page: One
DropChain Connect: One Page
300 API Calls Per Month
DropChain Testnet Access
No-Code Plugin

$0 / Month


Singe Sign On Access
NFT Claim: 50 Pages
DropChain Connect: 10 Pages
DropChain CRM: 1,000 Members
DropChain CRM: 2,000 Email Sends per Month
40,000 API Calls Per Month
DropChain Testnet and Mainnet Access
Launch web apps

$29 / Month


If you're ready to launch a custom web3 app created by experts, this is the right plan for you.

Click the button below to connect with our team to learn more.

Contact Sales


NFT Minting: One
NFT Claim Page: One
DropChain Connect: One Page
300 API Calls Per Month
DropChain Testnet Access
No-Code Plugin

$0 / Month


Singe Sign On Access
NFT Claim: 50 Pages
DropChain Connect: 10 Pages
DropChain CRM: 1,000 Members
DropChain CRM: 2,000 Email Sends per Month
40,000 API Calls Per Month
DropChain Testnet and Mainnet Access
Launch web apps

$25 / Month


If you're ready to launch a full custom web3 app created by experts, this is the right plan for you. Click the button below to connect with our team to learn more.

Contact Sales